Monday 30 November 2009

Monday 16 November 2009

Our Shot List for the Trailer

[Work done as a group]

Scene 1

  • Mid shot - shows Erica giving out all her invites to her party to people at school.
  • Long shot - shows Samantha and her crew making their way through the crowd towards erica
  • Mid shot - Erica hands her the invite
  • Close up - Samantha’s expression, sarcastic smile then rips up invite
  • Over the shoulder shot - shows half of the back of Erica’s head as Samantha rips up the invite
  • Close up - shows Erica’s expression as ripped up invite is thrown into her face

Scene 2

  • Wide shot - shows room in Erica’s house, just her in it with cake on table, she is sitting at the table
  • Mid shot - shows the side of Erica’s face as she looks out of the window as her name is called from outside
  • Long/wide shot - shows window and group of party guests outside
  • Close up - shows Erica’s expression as she thinks they’re coming inside, smiling
  • Mid shot - shows Samantha in particular waving
  • Long/ wide shot - shows the group walking away

Scene 3

  • Close up - shows Erica’s sad expression as she looks at cake
  • Extreme close up - shows tear falling down her cheek
  • Mid shot - shows Erica sighing then blowing out her candles
  • Whole screen turns black

Scene 4

  • Close up - shows Erica’s feet (now Samantha) as she walks towards a mirror
  • Mid shot - shows mirror and back of Erica’s head as she looks up
  • Close up - Erica screams and looks confused
  • Close up - shows Samantha (now Erica) screaming and her disgusted facial expression

Scene 5

  • Long shot - Erica (now Samantha) standing in door way as doors open
  • Close up - shows the expression of everyone around her and saying hello to her
  • Close up - shows Erica’s confused face and then suddenly looks in front of her
  • Long shot - shows Samantha (now Erica) and the space around her
  • Close up - shows Samantha’s facial expression, angry and upset

Scene 6

  • Mid shot – shows Samantha (now Erica) walking alone in the corridor
  • Close up – shows Samantha’s (Erica’s) reaction as friends crowd round her
  • Mid shot – shows Samantha’s facial expression (as she is Erica, she forgets she’s Samantha), she is confused as to why other cheerleaders are following her. She walks away but they keep following her.
  • Mid shot (from side of characters) – shows Samantha (Erica) come face to face with her boyfriend

Scene 7

  • Mid shotshows Erica (Samantha) sitting in the canteen between two other geeks at a table and looking miserable

Scene 8

  • Long shot – shows Erica (Samantha) walking out of a door in the school from the side. She walks fast with her head down and looks angry
  • Mid Shot – shows Erica (Samantha) looking up and showing a shocked facial expression
  • Close up – shows the sides of the faces of Samantha (Erica) and Samantha’s boyfriend, Jake. They are smiling and looking at each other. Erica (Samantha) can be seen in the background between the couple, looking very small. This reflects Erica as a whole as being smaller than everyone else and now she starts to feel how popularity affects others.

Scene 9

· Close up – shows evil facial expression of Erica’s (Samantha) face to show she is coming up with a plan to come between Samantha (Erica) and Jake

· Mid shot – shows Samantha (Erica) from the side, opening her locker

· Close up – on the letter which falls to the ground, written by Erica, which explains they want to break up with each other

· Mid shot – (Both Jake and Samantha (Erica) appear in this shot side by side but are separated by a black line) Both characters show sad expressions, slam their lockers and walk away

Scene 10 + 11

  • Long shot – show Samantha (Erica) walking quickly towards Erica (Samantha) once she finds out it was her that wrote the letter and not Jake
  • Over the shoulder shot – shows Erica (Samantha) shouting at Samantha (Erica), telling her to keep away from her boyfriend
  • Over the shoulder shot – shows Samantha (Erica) shouting at Erica (Samantha)
  • (Screen is blacked out)
  • Mid shot – shows both girls, from the side, still shouting at each other
  • Close up – shows each girl individually, one after the other, as they stop arguing and realize they have changed back. The argument ended with both girl realizing they are more like one another than they thought

Scene 12

  • Over the shoulder shot – shows Jake from the back and Erica trying to tell him it was her who had been ‘the new Samantha’ for the past weeks
  • Close up - shows Jake ignoring her and walking straight past

Scene 13

  • Two shot – shows Samantha and Jake in a Mid shot. Samantha has shopping bags and is more interested in looking in shop windows and spending Jake’s money than being interested in Jake. Samantha is just glad to be back to normal and isn’t threatened by Erica anymore because she’s changed back also
  • Close up – shows Jake’s face as he looks elsewhere and thinks that Erica was right

Scene 14

  • Long shot – shows Erica sitting alone at a bench with all other students walking in front of her
  • Mid shot – shows Jake with his friends as he looks over at Erica
  • Close up – shows Erica looking down and miserable. She then looks beside her to see Jake sitting beside her and smiles
  • Mid shot – shows Jake with his arm around Erica, looking at her and smiling
  • Long shot – shows other students standing and pointing at the couple

Scene 15

  • Mid shot – shows other students turning their heads and looking shocked
  • Long shot – shows Samantha and Eric appearing through the crowd holding hands. This also shows his height compared with hers as he is shorter than her and this creates some of the comedy for the trailer

Sunday 15 November 2009

Storyboard ideas for our trailer

[Drawn by me, ideas generated as a group]

We created a storyboard to show the content of our Romantic Comedy Trailer.

For our teaser trailer, we have decided to make a story board to give a basic outline of the whole film. After we have made the story board we will cut it down and use key scenes from it to use in the film trailer.

Now we have made the story board we will create a script and shot types so we can film our trailer with ease, using key conventions of romantic comedy so we can interest the audience and make them want to watch the film.
Now we need to plan our film with actors,location, costume, props, lighting and music.

Friday 13 November 2009

Product questionnaire results

[Work done as a group]

Here are the results of our questionnaire shown in graph form. They show what our target audience will prefer to see in a romantic comedy teaser trailer and therefore will help us make our trailer more successful.